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Accessibility pays for itself

Accessibility pays for itself

Government bodies are obligated to offer a WCAG compliant website. In other words: the website needs to be accessible.

Actually, this topic runs for over 20 years now. And the good news: it has become a lot easier! With tools like Wave, SiteImprove and Axe, you can really be in control and offer visitors an accessible online experience.

So, why do we say 'it pays for itself'? Well, there are 2 reasons:

  1. Accessible websites have a higher ranking in Google. Of course, you can pay a SEO company for higher ranking but just doing your homework is a much better way to be successful in this area.
  2. At least 15% of your vistors actually need an acessible workshop. 2.5 million people in The Netherlands have difficulty working with computers or smart phones. These are not just mentally challenged people but also refugees, inhabitants with lower education and a vast growing group of senior citizens that are not able to function in this digital age.

Do yo want to transform you business to an accessible? We have worked on accessibility for Eneco, the chamber of commerce and the city of Amsterdam. 

Our approach is pragmatical as well as strategic. This means we get you in a much better position within 1 week. But we are not in this for a quick win for a short period of time. We have several options to work on a process that provides a sustainable improvement. 

  • First check: how is the current situation?
  • Outlining the goals
  • Fixing prio 1 issues
  • Work with IT
  • Workshop about highlights (language, meta data, images)
  • Establish way of working editors
  • Establish regular checks
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