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DNN-Connect 2024: what a blast

DNN-Connect 2024: what a blast

Over the years Tjep's has been active in several open source projects. But DNN has stolen our hearts. This is more than a community: these are friends. Almost feels like family. 

The 2024 edition felt good as always. Thursdays is always reserved for arrivals whereas the actual conference takes place on Friday and Saturday. It was jam packed and very inspiring!

2SXC had gotten new updates, we learned how to create eco-friendly websites, the metrics in design and the future of coding with web components and AI.

Some extra highlights:

  • The interactive session on where we want to see improvements in DNN
  • Interesting developments on Google impacting how we work.

Back home, many of us started their resolutions. Several discussions in the forums, activitty on Github...It feels great to be alive :-) 

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